Just in case you're in Michigan in September

If you, like myself, have been vehemently tracking the progress of the Michigan Beer Film from Rhino Media Productions, or maybe not, but are just aware of its existence and are mildly interested, you should know that the premiere for the film is September 14 and tickets just went onsale this morning!

Consider going if you're going to be anywhere near Kalamazoo on September 14. I'm sure that buying a copy of the DVD and watching it from your couch (with a cold one) sounds like it would be nice in theory, but nothing will beat the experience of watching what looks like will be an amazing cinematic experience with a big group of proud Michiganders and beer geeks alike in a beautiful historic Kalamazoo landmark.

Just saying.

And one can only assume what sort of beer-related shennanigans will happen after (pssssst. it's a TAP TAKEOVER with the film director's favorite beers).

For those that don't know, the Michigan Beer Film has been chronicling the recent craft beer revolution in the Great Lakes State by visiting breweries, farms, tap houses, festivals, etc. for a behind the scenes look at the industry from all directions, from the mos successful of days to the problems we might still be facing.

Of course you may be wondering if I've already gotten my tickets yet, and the answer is YES. Purchased at 11:20 a.m. as a matter of fact, so if I were you I'd jump on it and buy them now! They say there is an option to buy them at the door, but honestly, I wouldn't put all my pennies in a basket just like that. I would assume, just because their kickstarter funded so quickly, that the tickets to the premiere will be sold with equal speed and the State Theater isn't huge.

So jump on that.

If you're still not sold and want more information, check out their website. Or watch the video below.

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