11. Firestone Walker Brewing Co. - Double Jack IPA

It has been one long week. Oh wait, and it's only Monday.

I'm trying to stay positive, because honestly, nothing horrible has happened to me directly, but I feel like recently, everyone I know has experienced some sort of horrible tragedy and it breaks my heart. Honestly, the nicest people who don't even deserve to accidentally burn their dinner are facing some really hard times and it's making me sad.

The only thing I really know how to do in this situation when there's nothing I can do to directly improve anyone's situation is to sit back, crack a bottle, and cheers to everyone who is having a hard time right now and is strong enough to get through it.

I was going to wait for a special occasion for this one, because I knew it would be so good, but I really do need it right now.

Today is the day for Double Jack from Firestone Walker Brewing Company (9.5% abv).

And it's big enough to split, so I popped this guy open with someone that I love, and we drank to not being broke or sad or sick or dead.

In the glass, it looked like a new copper penny. It also was a little oily looking, with a crisp white head, about half a finger, but with some lacing. For how small it was, it sure did hold a lot of delicious aromatic oils, because this beer was fragrant.

It had the aroma of butterscotchy malts melded perfectly with grapefruit, pineapple, and a little resin.

Taste is superb, just superb. Intitally, pineapple and other more tropical citrus fruits, like starfruit or tangerine, are the main flavors. The tiniest bit of pith comes through in the middle, enough to be pleasant and not overbearing. Finishes with pine sap. There is some buttery and caramel qualities that hit right in the center of the tongue as the beer warms a bit.

The hops taste so fresh and there is substantial body without being too boozy. Medium carbonation, and the mouthfeel is a little tacky.

I wish this beer was available in Michigan, but it might be almost sinful if it were. I'd have to cheat on my favorite Michigan Double IPAs. I'd be cheating a lot of the time....

But anyway, I didn't realize how much I needed this particular beer until it graced my palate, and now I don't think I can live without it. This was brought to me by my friend and co-worker Karl on a recent road trip. I guess now that I'm hooked, I'm going to have to search for it on my own.

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